Our Foundations:
Innovation & Supply Chain Resilience
We will encourage, support, and celebrate innovation at Amtico, empowering our colleagues to share ideas, no matter how big or small.

Championing Innovation
We view innovation as a key foundation for us to achieve our sustainability commitments, which is why the Championing Innovation pillar has shifted its responsibilities from being a standalone pillar. The group now supports the innovation initiatives and activities of our Climate, Waste and People pillars.
Our innovation initiatives:

Continuous Improvement (CI) Scheme
A scheme created to ensure innovation continues at pace in our processes and operations. The scheme works by empowering all our colleagues to submit suggestions for ongoing improvements in the business.
introduced lunch & learn webinars, culture days and innovation forums to foster greater participation in our CI scheme.

Dementia-friendly flooring with the University of Stirling
In 2023, we continued our collaborative partnership with the University of Stirling, working together to develop and further expand our range of dementia-friendly flooring for use in spaces designed for people with dementia.
DSDC-accredited designs in 2023.

Annual Gino Fanti Award
Established to recognise and celebrate innovative thinking at Amtico, each year all colleagues are invited to vote on their favourite innovation suggestions from a shortlist of finalists.
In 2023, the winning solution improved the cutting program for one of our laying patterns, by eliminating several outer-edge cuts on the slab.
reduction in cutting time.

Partnerships and collaborations
We understand that we cannot achieve our sustainability goals alone, which is why collaboration and partnership remain at the heart of our values. We will ensure we continue to lead the way in the quality and design of our products and services. This includes working with our competitors to address common needs and issues within our industry.
Supply Chain Resilience
We understand that our sustainability targets cannot be achieved without collaboration and engagement with our supply chain. We are responsible for ensuring that the people involved across our entire supply chain are protected.
Our supply chain initiatives:

Sustainable Procurement
With data improvement in mind, we commenced a sustainable procurement project in July 2023, looking at our major categories of spend, where we are procuring from, and our sustainability risks.
Alongside this, we also developed our Sustainable Procurement Policy. This involved interviewing internal stakeholders, leading to buy-in and increased awareness of the importance of sustainable procurement.

International Suppliers
Although our manufacturing base is in the UK, we have dedicated worldwide partners.
As part of Amtico’s commitment to these partnerships, a small delegation visited our supplier base in Asia during 2023. As well as ensuring that developed products met our stringent quality requirements, we also expressed our focus on supply chain sustainability and that further developments and requirements will be implemented.
Next steps for our foundations...
We will foster innovation, promote new ideas through our initiatives, and enhance collaboration with external stakeholders. Additionally, we are committed to achieving alignment with the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Standard by 2025.
For further information and our long-term goals,
download our full report.
Discover more about our strategy