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Sustainability at Amtico

When you choose an Amtico floor, we want you to be sure it’s built on foundations that protect our planet and empower our people.

So here is our strategy, in brief, for tackling the major challenges. Not in the next 20 years, but right now.

Our strategy

Responsible Foundations

We at Amtico recognise that we have a responsibility to carry out business activities in an environmentally, economically, and socially responsible manner.

Our sustainability strategy, Responsible Foundations, formalises our approach to our sustainability commitments and gives us the ability to benchmark our progress clearly and comprehensively. Core areas, what we term as ‘pillars’, help define and focus our sustainability efforts. These are:


Fighting Climate Change





Our foundations

The glue that holds our strategy together

Championing Innovation

Supply Chain Resillience

Our progress so far...

We have set ambitious targets within our sustainability roadmap, covering activities within all pillars and key foundation areas, against which we will be reporting progress annually. But we've always worked hard to take care of our people and minimise our impact on the environment.

Our Achievements

Designing our future together

Our approach to Sustainability

Amtico Sustainability Report 2023

Download Full Report
Our journey

Sustainability Roadmap

Our Roadmap to Net Zero

We set high standards for products and processes

Amtico is committed to strong corporate governance and sound business practices. 

Polices & Accreditations

Our Policies and Accreditations

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